June has whizzed by and there are only 2 weeks left until the end of the French school year - and the start of 8 weeks holidays!
We've had some excellent weather and some extremely hot weather - 38 degrees C for 3 days last week.
We have been entertained by balloons as always and by Manu, Nathan and Clelia along with a barbecue.
Jean-Louis' museum has had a steady flow of visitors from the site and the local villages, but he has had time to finish re-painting the mini-golf.
The trucks were missing from Francueil's "Fete de la Saint Jean" this year, but they will re-appear nearby (Thenay) at the end of July as part of a bigger vehicle festival.
At the end of this week Georges Paltrié and Jean return to the site for an evening of Paella and jazz music.
Next week we will celebrate American Independence Day on Tuesday with a "Hot Dogs and Hamburgers" menu followed by a US themed quiz.
On Saturday 8th July we will be turning Irish with dancing lessons in the morning and an Irish themed meal with music from 'Paddy and Murphy' in the evening.