The temperatures are rising and the sun is out.
We are seeing a few more people coming and going - although no where near as many as usual. We still haven't reached out self-imposed 75% capacity limit!! So we still have pitches available for every night of the summer.
There are still balloons overhead!
Information for drivers of high vehicles - BOTH bridges crossing the Cher at St Georges and Civray are now height limited to 2m30. The only way across is via the Pont de Chisseaux (D80) or in Montrichard or via the Bléré by-pass.
We have just found out that the water in the river is not safe for swimming due to the high algae content. This is a result of low rainfall over the winter, high temperatures earlier in the year which led to a build up of algae. The current high temps (35 degrees on Thursday 6 August) have exacerbated the situation.